S12:E10 - “Great Bait! I’m Hooked” (2020)
Capt Scott Walker and Capt Steve Rodger break down the best-kept secret bait spots in the Keys.
Into the Blue was the CHAMPION of the Waypoint series showdown, meaning that we will be having a 24 hour marathon of the show on Friday, July 10th! You can view the marathon on Samsung TV Plus and Stirr TV ALL DAY Friday!
Once the fish is done you can just pull the meat off the bones and start building your tacos. Add some lime juice and bring the pulled meat back to the grill while you wait on the corn to finish. Once this is all done, you can add your street corn sauce, and build your tacos with your preferred toppings.
S12:E10 - “Great Bait! I’m Hooked” (2020)
Capt Scott Walker and Capt Steve Rodger break down the best-kept secret bait spots in the Keys.
S12:E9 - “Hawks Cay Wrecks” (2020)
Capt Scott Walker and Capt Steve Rodger explore the fertile waters around Hawk's Cay
Back in the day when we started using the radars to navigate inlets and find fish. We had to get to the boat early to turn the radar on and then wait. Yeah, and then once it warmed up, then you had to actually pick a target in the marina and set the gain on it set to sea state for the day and then going off that one marker you knew that you were dialed in for the day and you do every day.
Into The Shop - Shimano brought to you by West Marine.
Check out Shimano Rods
What we're trying to do here is Shimano is we're trying to have an eternally smooth reeling system and we can do that through the fact that we are the only ones who can do cold forage gears. Shimano's goal is to have eternally smooth reeling and how do we get there? Well we get there through Hagane and what Hagane is is when we take a single piece of aluminum and we cold forage that into a gear that is just absolutely perfect.
I don't want to get too techie because I'm not a techie guy, but cold forage is when they take a piece of raw aluminum and they stamp it down into the shape of the gear they need. What that does is the precision is perfect. We've looked at these under microscopes and the gears and the teeth come together. It's amazing how perfect they are. You can have a di-cast where you melt the product and you pour it in a mold.
You can machine something where you take a drill and you tear up this piece of metal to make a gear. None of those things give you what a cold forage gear will give you which is just this perfect. Precision stamp age where they come together and everything is smooth.
The second thing that affects a real is the body right? Because the body houses all the gears and if that thing has any kind of torque or flex it's going to get those gears misaligned and they're going to fail. So this body that Hagane body is all metal, super rigid, super strong to handle the most power that you can't believe that these reels are putting on fish nowadays, you know some of these drag pressures up to 40 pounds, you know, and even higher and Hagane can withstand anything were throwing at it.
It has an impact resistance whether you drop it whether it hits the gun or whether you're riding through 20-mile-per-hour winds and seven-foot seas with the Hagane system. You're going to get exactly what's advertised eternally smooth reeling and for us what that means is these reels on last day in and day out and you're going to put a lot of fish in the boat.
Into The Shop brought to you by West Marine
See you on the water,
Steve Rodger
The technology today is just as fast as it can go, right? Lighter, faster, stronger… Well, Shimano has figured that out. They've identified two major problems with the old technology and fishing rods. One of them is Twist, right? So you make a cast you don't realize it, but the blank is twisting. Every rod you got in your closet is twisting, you can tell me it doesn't, but it does and it affects your accuracy and your distance. Well, Shimano has identified that problem and fixed it.
So YETI had come out with a Hopper a few years back. It was a very popular item of a soft cooler. It didn't leak, it was great for everything whether you were just fishing, ballparks, kids picnicking, really just a cool item. Well, honestly the zipper was a little bit tough, but like YETI does they are always raising the bar.
There's a lot of fishing lines out there today, there are all types, all colors, all sizes. Well, we've been with Power Pro for a really long time. We've been with them since the beginning, amazing product, the best there is. Well, they've even gone a step further. Power Pro now has Maxcuatro. What that is it's a line that is 25 percent thinner diameter.
We're down to Key West we're going to go fishing this week. And Steve is going to put me on some of his favorite wrecks. And when we're on the wrecks (back in the day) we would mark them with a big meatball on top of it and we wouldn't know what we're looking at. We would figure it was bait and we'd be happy knowing that something was there.
The Mercury Active Trim is a GPS, speed based, automatic engine trim system. This responds to the weather around you responding to the weather conditions around you and fuel economy. Now the engine will set the trim for you so you no longer have to. I know many guys who don’t even use their trim because they don’t want to deal with it. The trim is super important for leveling the boat off and saving on fuel - that is why this invention is so awesome.
The newest edition to the Scales gear family is the Fisherman Board Shorts, made my fisherman for fisherman. One of my favorite features is the padded waste band - when we are fishing all day long with spinning tackle, fighting the fish is just the beginning. Then you have to fight the pain of when it hits you in the hip. Scales built protection right in for that exact situation. There is also a built in plier pocket with polyester so the pliers don’t get jammed up - aside from that they are extremely comfortable. Check them out!
Deep sea saltwater fishing is what we are all about. We love the adrenaline surge that comes from fighting these deep sea fish. This is not for beginners, but we are here to help educate you to become the best deep sea saltwater angler you can be. We have blogs to help you catch fish and recipes to help you cook your catch. Ask us any questions about fishing and we would love to answer and help you catch some fish!